Rock Creek flows are trending down at this time. We have been out on the creek and picking up a few fish but it has not been lights out, this last push of water being the main culprit. Fish are displaced and difficult to pick up in the main channel. While the creek is floatable, it is dangerous. If you're planning a float, be safe. Wear a life jacket. If in doubt, scout it out.
That said, the fish are still eating. We recommend wading side channels for the best fishing. See below for our tips for fly fishing Rock Creek near Philipsburg.
Here are a few tips for fly fishing Rock Creek:
1. Try the side channels, slow inside deeper bends, runs with a couple feet of walking speed water and structure, riffles, and undercut banks.
2. Try swinging a march brown emerger soft hackle behind a streamer in the long, walking speed runs.
3. Try a black and purple chubby with a medium length dropper of a hot bead worm or zebra midge. The fish have been looking up!
Here are a few fly suggestions:
1. Micro-chubby size 14, in black and purple
2. Purple Haze size 12-20
3. March Brown Soft Hackle Emerger size 12-14
4. Kreelex Minnow size 6, in copper/gold
5. TJ Hooker size 12-14, in coffee/black
6. Pheasant Tail Nymph size 16-20
7. Hot Bead San Juan Worm size 10, red with a hot orange bead
8. Zebra midge
Flows and looking ahead:
Flow: 2430 cfs at the time of publishing this report
Here is a link to the Rock Creek USGS Water Information.
Stop by the shop for the latest report and for everything you need for your trip. We're open 7a-4p daily!