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Welcome to Our New Website!

Happy New Year, and welcome to our new website!

It is no secret that it gets cold in Montana. Not too long ago and not too far from our shop a temperature of -72 degrees was recorded. Yes, that is a minus sign in front of what looks like room temperature. A full 144 degrees from room temperature in the cold direction. "It gets cold Montana" is no secret but is also an epic understatement.

But you better believe we were out there fishing as soon as we thawed out. Here is what has been working this winter so far:

Rock Creek: TJ Hooker with a hot bead san juan worm; perdigons; double bead stones

Flint Creek: Not much happening here as the creek is frozen. We will keep you up to date when it comes back into shape.

Clark Fork River: It is never a bad idea to throw a streamer on the Clark Fork. Think smaller flies and slower retrieves. A kreelex minnow in size 6 is a good place to start.

Here are some tips for fly fishing in the winter:

1. Stay warm and safe. Hypothermia and frostbite are real things that can happen to anyone. We're never going to be better than Mother Nature. Just keep yourself safe.

2. Slow your presentation down. Get the flies down and in between every piece of structure. Drift them real slow.

3. Break the run or pool up into more casting lanes than you would in the spring or summer. The trout are less likely to move 4'-6' at low water temps because they're cold. Raise your hand if you're excited and willing to move very far, very quickly, when it is near freezing outside. Think 1'-3' lanes for your drifts.

We hope this helps. Stop by, grab a coffee from our coffee shop, and say hi if you're around. We're open 7a-4p, daily.